Ojo: The "Cholo Word Of The Day" is simply for fun. This is not an academic exercise, therefore I do not spend much time checking for espelling or grammatical errors. Most of the words are not only used by "cholos," but by many people in S. Texas - and their usage can vary. c/s

Friday, February 03, 2006

Cholo Word of the Day - A Huevo

It seems that I'm taking special requests now. El amigo y chingon blogero Oso has requested a huevo. And I, a huevo have to do it. Aunque me da la hueva, sometimes. Pero, me faltarian hu... (you get it), if I didn't do it.

There are so many different ways of using this. I'll try to capture some. Oh man, this is tough.

A Huevo

Meaning According To DT:
Right (answer in the affirmative), by force, Yes.

Used in a sentence:
"Refugio, a huevo me vas hacer que me coma este chorizo con huevo?"

"A huevo, Reyes. Yo a huevo me como chorizo con huevo, frijoles con huevo, y hasta el huevo -- a huevo."

Translation according to DT:
"Refugee, do you truly insist on forcing me to eat these exquisite sausage and eggs?"

"Why, yes Mr. King. I would often eat the scrumptious bisquits and jam."


Blogger jennifer said...

this is hilarious. i love the translations. ;)

8:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey...thanks for sharing your blog...it was pretty damn funny! Hurry up and write some more a huevo! :oP

8:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pensee que te faltaron los huevos para escribirlo. :)

Thanks DT!

2:53 PM

Blogger Georgina Baeza said...

Hey, I can't remember. But have you done "desmadre?"

12:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha! you rock DT!

6:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

no mames guey, ahora tengo hambre. pero en serio, te ventas con este blog, y si era buen idea para utilizar 'a huevo' esta vez, lla era tiempo.
te baƱas

5:46 PM

Blogger Xolo said...

Similar definition: of course.

Alt. spelling: auebo.

Just my dos centavos...

7:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when we felt hard tropical rains in Guate, we would say it was raining "a huevazos".

4:25 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

hey hay una banda mexicana de surf (si de surf) que tocan una rola que se llama JA' HUEVO!!! la banda se llama LOST ACAPULCO. traten de escucharla busquenla en la red ustedes saben como y si no me dicen y se las consigo le neta es que la rola expresa tan claramente el empleo de esta palabra tantas veces usada en la vida cotidiana...como cuando gana tu equipo favorito la gran final!!! o como cuando diosito santo nos concede aquella justicia divina jajajaj en temas amorosos claro A HUEVO PUES. hey saludos pues desde frisco tx

3:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

cholos are texans, not mexicans sorrrrrrry and btw "a huevo" is a mexican phrase not texican.

3:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

y que dijeron que me voy a tragar el cuento ese que mexico fue el inicio de una pandemia y se les salio de las manos!!!!!! si quieres saber mas dime!!!!

9:38 AM


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