Ojo: The "Cholo Word Of The Day" is simply for fun. This is not an academic exercise, therefore I do not spend much time checking for espelling or grammatical errors. Most of the words are not only used by "cholos," but by many people in S. Texas - and their usage can vary. c/s

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Cholo Word Wonder

You've no doubt heard of the milli-vanilli applicable phrase "one-hit wonder." I'm "wondering" if I'm a "cholo word wonder." I get emails from readers (dunno how you find me)about my "Cholo Word Of The Day." To my surprise, it has a small following. My other posts now seem more like "fillers" or "fluff." (If you add those to words you could come up w/ "fluffer.") I just found out somebody made me their blog of the day a couple of days ago, because "if only for" my words of the day. Interesting. Anyway, I'll keep trying to come up w/ these. If you know of any good one's or just hear somebody yapping away, let me know. I'll try to figure out what it is.

- Chamos (short for "Wachamos")


Blogger elizs said...

I like the words of the day, but I also like your other posts.

12:48 PM


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