Ojo: The "Cholo Word Of The Day" is simply for fun. This is not an academic exercise, therefore I do not spend much time checking for espelling or grammatical errors. Most of the words are not only used by "cholos," but by many people in S. Texas - and their usage can vary. c/s

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Cholo Word of the Day - Jambar

Yup, I know, it's been a very long time. Jambar, which I'm not even sure is correctly spelled, is pronounced: Hambar.



Meaning According To DT:

Used in a sentence:
"Oye Ladislao, el Santos se jambo la t.v. de la store en la mall."

"Yo se Polo. Creia que tambien si iba a jambar la satelite."

Translation according to DT:
"Excuse me, Ladislao, Santos mistakenly appropriated the t.v. from the store at the mall."

"I know, Leopoldo. I thought he might also decided to appropriate the satellite system."


Blogger Georgina Baeza said...

Chale homes! I had totally forgot about this word!

8:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love your blog! we need more like this...i am a tejana who lives on the east coast. thanks for bringing me back...

11:13 AM

Blogger dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

"appropriated"....good translation :)

3:32 PM

Blogger Aleksu said...

"Jambar" in Acapulco is used for eating a lot of food quickly.

I'm guessing it derives from the process of liberating a fruit or a candy and having to eat it quickly as you run away from the stall owner.


9:09 PM

Blogger JulioSueco said...

Wow, I always like to see these kinds of words because I have always suspected that there is a conextion throughout the Southwest and el Norte de México. Jambar is a well known word in Tijuana/San Diego and one that we used to use a lot in our younger days. Cool that you brought it up ese. If you wanna, you can check out my version of it however it is written in spanish

8:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Jambar", is also used in central México as a synonym of "tragar", go figure.

7:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is really interesting that you posted "jambar" as your word of the day. I am actually trying to find the root of words that I am used to using in daily conversation with friends and family in Texas; but my friends in Mexico do not use. Some other words that I am used to using but are not commonly used in Latin American countries are: "embustero" (liar), "faja"(belt), "anteojos"(eyeglasses) and "porte de moneda"(purse). I think that these are old words that we on this side of the border continue to use but that our paisanos on the other side of the border no longer use. My guess is that once Texas and other states along the border became a part of the US, our language did not continue to evolve or keep up with the changes in the Spanish language along with other Latin American countries as we started to learn English in schools as opposed to Spanish. I see this with my wife's Cajun french that she and her family speak. It is an old world french that has not changed much; but rather continue to be spoken as it was a few centuries ago. Thanks for taking the effort in creating your website.

7:05 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Jambar" was/is street slang for "to steal" and is still used by old-timers like myself. "Jambo" is a person who steals. Very familiar in South Texas, especially the Rio Grande Valley. In some places "jambar" becomes "jambechar' and "jambo" evolves to "jambeche."

5:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No vato! Eating a lot of food quickly is "tragar".

Gordo - "No mamés Maricruz! ¡Ya tragate esas pinches chicharrones!"

Maricruz - vete al diablo pinche panzón apestoso!

6:34 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Jambar, San Antonio,1960 hijo, de un pachuco educado, means to steal. In Mexico it is to gorge.

11:29 PM


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