Ojo: The "Cholo Word Of The Day" is simply for fun. This is not an academic exercise, therefore I do not spend much time checking for espelling or grammatical errors. Most of the words are not only used by "cholos," but by many people in S. Texas - and their usage can vary. c/s

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Music At The Office

I'm sitting at my brother's office in McAllen, where my pops serves as the office manager, and a guy that grew up in the same neighborhood where I did just brought in a couple of CD's. This guy's dad, is a song writer. The man's name is Alfredo Garcia and he wrote Al Pie De La Tumba. Ricardo, his son, just brought in La Contestacion De Al Pie De La Tumba, sung his cousin, Oscar Garcia.

The guys all lived in El Campito. That's where we know them from. Alfredo Sr., was great friends with my grandfather. His wife Ermila was my grandmother's best friend. So, right now, we're sitting at my brother's office, listening to this song. It's so powerful.

Al Pie De La Tumba is one of my favorite's song, even before I knew that this man had written it. I was playing it one day and my dad told me, "sabes quien escribio esa cancion? Era Alfredito Garcia."

Me fui al cementerio
a soltar el llanto
A ver si llorando
te puedo olvidar
Ahora comprendo
que es imposible
Por que ya ni muerta
te dejo de amar

Al pie de la tumba
mirando el cielo
Quisiera escuchar tu voz
quisiera abrazarte
Quisiera besarte
pero es imposible
Tu ya estas con dios

Dormido te sueno
despierto te miro
Muy dentro de mi alma
siempre viverás
No puedo olvidarte
yo quiero seguirte
Que me lleven lejos
adonde tu estas

Al pie de la tumba
mirando el cielo
Quisiera escuchar tu voz
quisiera abrazarte
Quisiera besarte
pero es imposible
Tu ya estas con dios

Wow. There's so much history here.


Blogger la maestra said...

great lyricism!

3:35 PM

Blogger under the red sky said...

What kind of music is accompanying it? Is it ranchera or nortena?

5:31 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

very bittersweet.

7:34 PM

Blogger Aleksu said...

I agree, it is a great song.

To fing a love like that one, *sigh*.

8:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a sad but powerful song that applies to many situations. The song ws written for his sister who was a couple years older. My dad was very close to her and was just like him in being a head strong person (woman). She got sick and my dad was sent away by his parents to Monterrey Mexico from McAllen, Texas. While he was away she died at the age of 27 years and back then you were buried the same day. When my dad returned from Mexico, she was already buried and he didn't have the time to see her and mourn her. So, all he could do was go to the cemetery and mourn for her their.

12:58 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My son and I really like this song!

12:20 PM


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