Ojo: The "Cholo Word Of The Day" is simply for fun. This is not an academic exercise, therefore I do not spend much time checking for espelling or grammatical errors. Most of the words are not only used by "cholos," but by many people in S. Texas - and their usage can vary. c/s

Monday, August 08, 2005

In Absentia

8/02/05 - Criminal Law Final
8/04/05 - Fly to Austin, woman at SeaTac aiport says "there's no point," after I ask her if I should get my ticket the normal way. Apparently, I'm on some list and have to be checked 100 times before getting on a plane.
8/04/05 - Maneja Beto concert in Austin
8/05/05 - lunch w/ friend, then go to San Antonio for part 1 of sister's graduation
8/05/05 - drive back to Austin
8/06/05 - drive to S.A. for part 2
8/06/05 - go out and see friends
8/07/05 - drive to McAllen (meet friend for lunch)
8/08/05 - play Mr. Mom for sis' kid

I'll post soon.


Blogger Xolo said...

You have been missed...

Ah, the joys of flying...

4:48 PM

Blogger Aleksu said...

You talk about driving around in Texas as if it was Rhode Island.

6:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:22 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

hey, i was wondering if law school had swallowed you whole--never to be seen again. glad to see your back.

9:17 PM

Blogger AnalisaGuzman said...

hey there you are!

7:33 AM

Blogger Alma said...

Que onda dude! Te tengo una sugerencia para el cholo word of the day - you ever heard the expression "Echame aguas o Aguas? I don't know if you've used it. It means look out for me our be careful.

7:46 AM

Blogger CJ said...

Whaa, don't tell me they have you on some sort of "no fly" list?

2:42 PM


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