Ojo: The "Cholo Word Of The Day" is simply for fun. This is not an academic exercise, therefore I do not spend much time checking for espelling or grammatical errors. Most of the words are not only used by "cholos," but by many people in S. Texas - and their usage can vary. c/s

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Punishing The Walkouts

I haven't written about the walkouts because I haven't been able to formulate my thoughts about this moment in history, but I am writing now because I cannot believe the punishments being doled out to students.

In Ennis, TX, seniors who participated in the walkouts were barred from attending their prom.

In Yakima, WA, at some schools, student who walked out were given zeros.

I'm sure the story is the same across the country. I would argue that these kids learned more, even if they walked out just for the hell of it, in two hours of marching down the street, than in the last two weeks of any History class.

Most of us who have participated in similar events understand that organizing is more than just coming together for a cause; it also provides a sense of community, a family, and hope. This punishment needs to stop. Schools should embrace the actions of the past week to teach students, not to punish them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I had no idea that the students were facing such harsh reprimands, gracias for sharing.

7:14 AM

Blogger jennifer said...

hey, welcome back!

i didn't know that schools were punishing students for participating in the walkouts. that's crazy. but i hope that those are exceptions.

at UT, some students are planning a walkout in solidarity with other schools on april 10th. one of my students pointed out that the walkout would occur during my class period.

so i'm thinking we'll have a teach in at the protest site on april 10th...

any student protests in washington?

11:59 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

that's not right. they get up and speak up--a right they have--and are punished. if what the schools are trying to do is subdue the situation by punishing students. i don't believe its going to work. angrier people make more noise. and maybe that's not such a bad thing after all.

6:26 PM

Blogger Patricia said...

Even though I'm an avid reader of your blog, I have never posted a comment. Until today. I find your blog very funny and I can defintely relate to it. My parents immigrated (legally) to the U.S. soon after they were married; therefore, all of their children are U.S. citizens. This puts me in the precarious position of sympathizing with the illegal immigrants, yet having loyalty to my country. The most appalling thing for me to see is the Mexican flag being waved on U.S. soil. I think it is an affront to the very sovereignty of this nation. Furthermore, I believe that the Mexican flag stands for the very apathetic and corrupt government that causes the illegals to flee their country because of the economic hardships they face. My father always makes the comment of people that fly the Mexican flag here, "Con el corazon en Mexico, pero la pansa en los E.U." Why? Because in Mexico they would probably starve. I don't mean to minimalize the sufferings of the illegal immigrant here in the U.S. I do, however, wish they would see that the flag they should be waving is the U.S. flag, because the wonderful, beautiful, reality is that America is the land of opportunity, even for the illegal alien.

10:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a viejita and proud to have participated in walkouts and marches for civil rights and equal educational opportunities in the 60's. In the face of painful ridicule, criticism and ostracism, we exercised our rights as American citizens. We carried the Mexican flag,too, not out of loyalty to Mexico (they didn't care for pochos back then, either), but as a symbol of our identity. Gracias a Dios for the empathetic concern of today's youth. Come on, raza, let's not lose ours.

5:56 PM

Blogger dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i am a bit surprised. it guess it happened in the less immigrant friendly areas? i hope the students DON'T get discourage by the schools' punishments....hope it makes them feel good about speaking up.

hey, the punishments show that the schools do feel "threatened" by their actions....so the students walkouts were effective.

5:00 AM

Blogger ableredneck said...

If you break the rules, you pay the price. Those being "punished" will learn valuable lessons from their "punishment."

9:39 AM

Blogger Sicilian said...

If no one broke the rules we'd still be under English rule. We are Americans and have the right to free speech. If a kid breaks the rules of the school than then normal punishments should be given. Don't make up punishments that weren't currently part of the discipline process.
I feel that everybody just made up new stuff to punish people for expressing their feelings.

4:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The students that walked out in Abilene Texas in 1969 were proud of their 10 day walkout. Their parents were initially upset but they set up a temporary school setting and brought in students from the three universities in Abilene and did not miss a day of education. The parents did all of the security and the cooking for their sons and daughters. Yet no one has written about this walkout, which was probably the longest lasting walkout on record.

12:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Hispanic, Latino and Spanish communities must not be ignored. Business especially should listen to their voice.


9:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Blog!

12:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:50 AM


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