Pentrexyl - Medicina Mala
For two weeks straight my wisdom tooth felt like it was about to rip my gums open. It hurt chingos and there was nothing I could do about it. I don't have dental insurance and I don't want to go to the dentist because I can't be out for a couple of days, since I just started school. So I figured I'd tough it out. Then, I talked to my mom.
"No tienes Pentrexyl?
Why the hell didn't I think of that. I snagged a couple of pills of this powerful drug last time I was at home. Sure enough I'm feeling fantastic today. Hijueso, I should have known.
I've always taken Mexican medicine for my ailments (when yerbas didn't do the job). My allergies were terrible until I started taking Celestimina F. Even the Mexican government took that off of their shelves. Y for las vitaminas, I bet some of you used to drink the tres eses (SSS). I did.
It's different though now that I'm not living in Texas. Where the hell do I go for medicine like Pentrexyl? Can I ask my mom to mail it to me? Is that even legal? I dunno, but it worked.